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Prisoner Support

Prisoner and Family Support and Mentoring

The church can provide support through mentors for people released from prison, developing relationships during their time in prison, and continuing this mentoring relationship after their release. This support includes connection with a range of services such as emergency food hampers, someone to talk to or referrals to other services at Door of Hope (and other agencies) for themselves or their children. The community care team can also provide support to the families of prisoners. This assists in connecting them with relevant opportunities and courses including courses offered here at Door of Hope, such as the Recovery Course.

Connecting you to your loved one

Our community care team are able to facilitate a zoom call for those who are unable to facilitate this themselves. If you'd like to connect with a loved one who's in prison, you will need to be on the prisoner’s official visitors list for this to occur. Please fill out the form below to talk to us about facilitating a zoom visit.

Contact Form

For more information about how we can support you and your family, or for help in facilitating a zoom visit, please fill in the form below.