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For the past 20 years or so, Door of Hope has spent time every December giving over and above our regular tithes and offerings specifically to Missions projects locally and worldwide – called Miracle Missions Offering.
This year, we’re starting a new season, launching at a new time of the year, with a new name and broader focus, including opportunities to pray, go, give and grow!
Missions Give Offering is now underway, and every dollar contributed to this fund will be passed on to strategic mission partners locally and globally to support their important work, and over the next few weeks we’ll be drawing focus on some of the key recipients this year.
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Missions PRAY

Prayer is our number one key Value at Door of Hope. Prayer is the key to connecting our mission on earth with God's above. missions pray is our opportunity as a church to come together and earnestly pray for God to come and intervene. There will be multiple ways in which we will gather as a church to pray, including our annual 40 days of prayer, sermon series, Sunday services and hope rising nights. These are all ways we will engage in praying for our mission partners and for those who need Jesus in their lives.

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Missions GO

Rebranding from our Heart Plunges, Missions Go is our opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, nationally and internationally as we go into all the world and make Disciples (Matt 28:18-20). These trips will consist of a small group heading around the world to help spread the gospel and support our mission partners with resources and volunteering efforts.

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Missions GIVE

Missions Give is about going above and beyond our regular tithes and offerings to support and serve others; locally, and globally.

There are multiple projects and organisations that are supported by the congregation of Door of Hope Christian Church through Missions Giving.

Head to our missions give page for an in-depth look at the individuals and organisations that we support.

To see all recipients click here
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Missions GROW

We understand that there is a need for mission work, therefore we want to equip our church to understand and work with a missional heart for God's kingdom. Missions Grow is an opportunity to learn and grow in the understanding and spirit of mission work, through seminars, sermons and conversations Missions grow is an important aspect of the new mission's vision.


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