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The impact of Hope

The people within the Door of Hope community are extremely big-hearted and have an attitude to giving which is both joyful and generous.

Our vision and mission could not be carried out without them. When you partner with us, you are part of an amazing story.

The income from giving, along with our childcare, conference and storage businesses, and our many tenancies, supports Door of Hope’s ability to improve the lives of so many people, both here in our local community, as well as across the globe.

From counselling, courses and community events, to outreach and support for those in need, Door of Hope continues to strive to be a vibrant centre of life in Launceston.

There are many ways in which your contribution can help us achieve our greater mission.

Ways to give

Direct debit

You can make a secure, once-off or recurring direct deposit to:
Door of Hope Christian Church
BSB: 067-600 | Account: 1041 6255
Description: “Online Giving”


Text "Give" + amount to 0488 846 998 and follow the prompts.

Credit card

If you'd like to make a once-off payment, you can pay securely by credit card by visiting our giving portal.

Cash or cheque

Bring your cash or cheque gift to one of our in-person services.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Planned Giving is when we choose to give regular tithes and offerings in a consistent manner throughout the year.

Your generous contributions enable Door of Hope to achieve its mission of serving our community in ways that extend far past our regular Sunday services.

To find out more about how donations are spent, you can view the financial information here.

Learn more
Vos family

Miracle Missions Offering

Every year we set a goal and start raising funds throughout November and December. MMO is about going above and beyond our regular tithes and offerings to support and serve others; locally, nationally and internationally.

Learn more
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Hope Partners

A Hope Partner is someone who is both deeply committed to God as well as to the Vision, Mission and Ministry of Door of Hope Christian Church. The purpose of becoming a Hope Partner is to grow spiritually and to play a part in helping our church achieve its God-given Mission.


Door of Hope Annual Report 2022/2023

We have so much to celebrate when it comes to what God has done in and through Door of Hope over the past 12 months! Here are just a selection of highlights!

Download Our 2022/23 Annual Report here!