
Employee/Volunteer Registration

Door of Hope employs a rigorous process to ensure, through screening and induction, workers (paid or volunteer):

  • are suitable to undertake a role at DOHCC prior to being appointed
  • understand and agree to the working environment expectations, including all WHS and child safety requirements.

Prequalification must be completed prior to any worker undertaking any role. This process involves the following steps:

  1. Registering through the form below.
  2. Completion of a compulsory online module called Safe Ministry Check
  3. Provision of two referees (who have known the applicant for more than six months)
  4. Meeting the requirements of DOHCC’s WWVP Policy
  5. Agreeing to the DOHCC Code of Conduct, which includes adhering to the following policies:
    1. Work Health and Safety
    2. Alcohol and Drug
    3. Child and Vulnerable People Safety
    4. Disclosure of Suicidality
    5. Grievance
    6. Facility Use

Registration Form