Branded by God Full

Events & Courses

10:00am Sun from 13 Oct - 27 Oct 2024

Branded by God

We are branded by God through baptism and the Holy Spirit – carrying His name wherever we go.

The idea of branding first comes to us through what we call the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20:2-7)

The Hebrews had just been delivered out of Egypt and they are now introduced to the God who rescued them and told them how to live. The Lord God is their deliverer and to him worship is to be given. No graven images are to be made because humans are already created in the image of God. We are not to take the name of God in vain, to dishonour it or bring it into disrepute. They were people who had come through the “waters of their baptism” into a new relationship with God and were marked by this. (1 Cor. 10:1-5)

This event declared to nations that God of the Hebrews was a mighty powerful God who demanded a way of living that set them apart for other nations. They were different because of their God. In NT language we too have been rescued by the Lord Jesus Christ so that we may live a life that reflects difference. (Eph. 1:11-14)

For those who believe we have been “baptised into his family and bear the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. (Matt. 28:19)