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2025 Vision | Engaging Our Digital Community

Door of Hope has had an overall vision statement for over 25 years – “to be a door of hope through Jesus Christ in a fragile and uncertain world.”⁠

We’ve also had a mission statement – “Jesus Centred, Others Focused, Together in Community” for over 15 years.⁠

In conjunction with our 6 key values (Praying, Inviting, Connecting, Growing, Becoming, Giving) these statements give us clarity over our place and purpose in this world, help us make big decisions about the future, and drive us to always become better at fulfilling our purpose.⁠

For the next 3-year period (2023-2025), we feel God is calling us to be a ‘door of hope’ by: knowing people, embracing authenticity, and engaging our digital community.⁠

This series will seek to remind us all of our overall vision and mission, give us biblical background and rationale behind the strategies, and launch the new season of Door of Hope Christian Church with excitement and enthusiasm!⁠